Ready-to-use component

Add a chat to your service - for users nearby!

Be available for your customers!

Provide a chat for people nearby, who have questions about availability, opening hours or other current topics. Our Proximity chat add-on solution works both between organizers and users, as well as between users and users.

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Ready-to-use component

Add automated self check-in to your service

Check-ins should be easy, comfortable and go fast!

Allow your app users to register to your service themselves. Reduce the stress for users by lowering the numbers of controls, and reduce your labour costs by lowering the numbers of controllers. Plus, let your customers pre-check-in when they approach your service.

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Ready-to-use component

Help your users to connect and find each other!

Customers are happier when they are together!

Let your users easily locate their friends and family in any situation. When the user starts the app, his friends can start following him in real-time on a map. The friends can share their locations back, and easily find each other.

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Create a geofence and send personalized offers through location-based notifications. Be at the right time and place for your customers.

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Lost & Found

Help your users to find their lost items. Our solution allows your users to instantly report lost and found items based on geolocation.

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Proximity marketplace

Create a proximity-based marketplace for your service. Let your users sell or buy goods in real-time around them.

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We build components for you!

If you have another idea of location-based and/or proximity-based components,
don't hesitate to contact us.